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Resilient Health: Embracing Lifestyle Medicine

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The rising costs of medical treatment, shortage of doctors, inaccessibility to quality health-care and the fast-growing-quest of individuals to live a more healthy life in this fast paced world is leading individuals to realise that what we eat, how we live and what we think & feel should also be our ‘medicine.’  The current health crisis manifests itself in perpetuating poverty, inequality and high mortality rates among those who cannot afford health care timeously or could have avoided death by simply embracing simple lifestyle changes early. 

Preserving life and improving the quality of life should not be the exclusive domain of the medical profession.  We have erred by incorrectly assuming this and abdicating our responsibility for our own health.  We need to correct that misconception and place the responsibility for good health back into the hands of the people.  Resilient Health: Embracing Lifestyle Medicine is a proactive response to this brief synopsis of the crisis that most countries are experiencing. 

Resilient Health is designed to build your capacity to take ownership of your own health – It is your prerogative!

What this Course is not:

This Course is not an attack on the Calling of the Health Profession or Medical Doctors. It is not intended to minimise or undermine the practice of medicine.   If anything, it has the same goal and intentions: alleviate pain and suffering, preserve and improve the quality of life for individuals while encouraging holistic families and communities.  We value the critical role that medical doctors play in our lives.  Resilient Health is not intended to compete, compare or complain about the medical profession.  It is not about doctors but it is about you and I – who want to take more responsibility for our own health.

What is this Course about:

We believe that prevention is better than cure and it is better to prepare than to repair.   This is not only true in relationships or our careers.  It is also true about your health. 

 Resilient Health: Embracing Lifestyle Medicine, is a short Certificate Course that is designed to educate, inspire and coach you towards embracing a healthy lifestyle. We might not be able to increase the “quantity” of life but our goal is to be the catalyst to improve the “quality” of life.  We believe that when you take ownership of your health – you will be more vibrant, energetic, healthy and positive. This, in turn, will positively impact your finances, relationships, decisions, performance at work, and overall well-being.   We are 100% committed to improve the quality of life and learn new and improved ways to do so.  We also want to teach you how to be in control of your health and not depend on a doctor’s intervention for something that you can control or avoid altogether on your own.  We want to inspire you to embrace an uncomplicated healthy lifestyle that will impact its quality and longevity.  And yes, we want to help you save alot of money that you would have been spending on medical treatment for conditions that could have easily been avoided or treated by simple lifestyle changes and/or remedies.  Our goal is to help you take more proactive decisions to improve the quality of your life.

Resilient Health: Embracing Lifestyle Medicine is a well-researched Life-style Medicine Coaching Course designed in consultation with Medical Professionals, Nutrition Experts and Ordinary people on different platforms for You to be the best You that You can be!

In this Course, we will use the term “Lifestyle Disease/s instead of the more clinical term: “Non-communicable Diseases”.

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